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Eelco Ubbels

Research Partner

Eelco Ubbels, a valued partner and member of our research team, contributes market-based Asset Allocation reports. These reports, brought about through a unique vision and discursive style, look in depth at both macro-economic and asset allocation themes. As part of this discussion both negative and positive views are brought forward in his detailed analysis. These reports are tailored to suit the needs of professional investors sitting on investment committees for pension funds, insurers and asset managers. 

Eelco has worked as an investment professional for over twenty five years with well-known names like AXA IM, Sector Investment Managers and Petercam. His responsibilities have included the investment of mutual funds, pension funds and client mandates. Eelco is also highly active within the CFA as the head of the tactical asset allocation committee. He has, in addition, founded the Tactical Asset Allocation group on Linked which, at over 3,800 members, is one of the site’s most active asset allocation groups.

Recent Publications

Fund Selection Model - Q3 2024

Wednesday, 17 July 2024

Our Fund Selection Model uses 4 factors (performance, consistency, costs & risk) to select a top 30 of investment funds (including ETF’s) for every major asset class. The results for 16 large asset classes are clearly presented each quarter in our Fund Selection Performance Review. A big help in making informed and objective choices regarding the selection of investment funds. 

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Money Talks, Money Walks - July 2024

Tuesday, 09 July 2024

There have been few changes in the Money Talks Money Walks model recommendations for the different asset classes this month. Notably, within equity sectors, Information Technology has been downgraded to neutral on the back of strong outflows in June. Overall, the three-pillar model continues to point at a risk-on investment climate. 

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Fund Selection Insight: Multi-Asset Cautious

Monday, 17 June 2024

Alongside our quarterly Fund Selection model, we also publish monthly updates with our 'Fund Selection model - Insights'. In these updates we will zoom in on markets and highlight specific fund selection opportunities. This month's focus is on Multi-Asset Cautious.

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